Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Monday, July 26, 2010


1.The characterisics of society
-Clusters life
-Producing culturest

2.The characteristic of cultures
-Succeded-Culture is passed from one generation to another generation
-Universal-Culture that exist in all human groups
-Shared-Each behavior is predictable and backed by a group
-Learned-Culture should be studied and it involves many elements
-Changed-All the cultures that exist from past to present will undergo changes

3.The important of culture
-It gives an individual a unique identity
-The culture of a community gives its people a character of their own
-Cultures shapes th personality of a a community

4.The characteristic of plural society
-The government and people of different races an lived in separate comunities
-A set of culturaland political values that are shared by different communities through the national agreement
-Tendecy to predict the economic conflict in the context of race
-Different nations,but has the same desire of peace and prosperity
-Some external intervention maybe required occasionally to disperse the conflict that may exist between the people of this new plurality

5.Countries with plural society
-Republic of china

-12 Basic Concepts of Ethnic Relations-=)


A process in which ethnicity they are aware of the norms and values of each other, but they still keep their culture alive


Man of the roots or the people in the bonds of the state structure


Comparing the actions of an individual or a group of other ethnic groups based on ethnic characteristics alone


Beliefs or sense of pride among members of an ethnic group that their ethnic culture and much more good and great from the other groups


A process of acceptance of cultural elements among individuals or groups other than a different culture and does not cause the original identity of the receiving society.


Opinions, thoughts or negative beliefs by a social group of any other groups based on physical characteristics or race alone


Achievement of uniformity in applying the things that are important to the country yet at the same time every nation be allowed to keep its own cultural characteristics.


Process of mergers and consolidation among the different ethnic cultures to form a cultural and ethnic groups with the same.


In this process an individual to learn and adapt to environmental thought and attitude customs, norms systems and regulations in the cultural lifeation


Negative public statements of any ethnic group or excessive description of a good or bad behavior of ethnic groups


Negative opinions about members or other ethnic groups are usually not based on accurate information and is usually not expressed openly


The nature of the relationship between ethnic separation in the country and occurs in several conditions such as residence, school systems, transportation and public utilities.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


ayu n ezah rasmi dulu.....>>fatin n yati>>=P